Frequently asked questions


Is my house in the project area?

Homes located within Conifer Mountain and Kings Valley are included in the project area. Included home addresses have been loaded into the sign up form on the Highline website. If you believe your home is in the project area, but your address is not listed when you try to sign up, please call Highline at (719) 837-6400 or reach out to the community champions.

when will service be installed?

Installation will begin in the Fall of 2023. Homes will be connected as fiber reaches their area in the community. Highline has 2 years to complete the installation for the entire project area. Most installations will occur in 2024 and final installations could happen as late as Fall 2025.

what does installation include?

Highline will run fiber to your home and up to 300 feet inside of your home to the desired location of the router when possible. Outside equipment will include a network interface device. Inside equipment will include an optical network terminal and a WI-FI 6 router.

How much does installation cost?

If you sign up today, your $200 deposit will be cover all installation costs. If you sign up later, you may be required to pay additional installation costs to cover the current rate for time and materials. Sign up today to lock in your installation costs!

How much does service cost?

There are 3 service levels that you can sign up for. You can switch service levels at any time and there is no contract, so you can cancel without penalty. There are no monthly data caps either.

55 Mbps service is $69/month + $13/month for router rental

1 Gbps service is $149/month + $13/month for router rental

2 Gbps service is $169/month + $15/month for router rental

why should i sign up?

Reliable High Speed Internet
We have limited internet service providers in our area and none of them offer true high speed broadband. Fiber connections are the best currently available and can be upgraded over time to meet future demands. As you add more internet connected devices to your home, you need greater connection speeds to avoid slowdowns. A fiber connection from Highline can meet these demands.

Home Value
Having a fiber internet connection in your home is a highly desired feature that can increase the value of your home up to 3.1%.

Discounted Priority Installation
When you sign up today, your $200 deposit covers complete installation as soon as the fiber is brought to your area of the community. If you wait to request service after the project starts, you may have to cover the cost of the time and materials for your actual installation, which could be several hundred to thousands of dollars. Don’t wait, sign up today!

Sign Up @ Highline

OR CALL (719) 837-6400